KJ Velasco
2 min readSep 24, 2021


It is usually at this time of the day, where I have just had a big day and can finally rest and allow my mind to contemplate when I spend the time writing thoughts into paper.

I asked myself today: “When was the last time you stopped to think about God?”

In all of our activity for God’s Kingdom and people, when do we actually take the time to stop and think upon God?

Are we often so busy serving Him, that we forget to actually sit at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to speak to us?

Is it the fact that we cannot physically see and hear Jesus that causes us to constantly move to serve Him?

Would our countenance change if we suddenly saw Jesus in our offices and study spaces? Where would our attention be?

The staggering truth is that Jesus thinks about each and every one of us every second. The Bible says that His thoughts toward us are innumerable as the sand.

What is profound is that God spoke the laws of physics, thermodynamics, biochemistry and every other law into existence, and they run perfectly in tandem without another thought.

God ordained everything in the known universe to operate with only a Word, “Let There Be.”

Yet, with us, He intimately created us by His own Hands, and out of all creation, God sought communion with us.

Of course, God’s thoughts are higher than ours, He has no limit on His mental capacity.

However, this is what God did: God discarded what humanity spends entire lifetimes pondering over by simply declaring its existence, and instead He chose to think about you and me.

You are not an afterthought to God, He has not overlooked you to ponder upon more interesting realities.

Instead, God chooses to spend eternity thinking about you. Oh, how much He loves you!

My question is if God forsook anything that would distract Him from you, how much do we stop to think upon Him? Do we simply give Him our attention on a Sunday morning? Or perhaps you don’t even think about God at all?

In this time where you are alone with your thoughts, let me encourage you to think upon God. Let your mind ponder on who He is, for He is worthy!



KJ Velasco

I write topics on theology, politics, and history. I currently teach theology online at learn.allscripture.co, and I am aspiring writer.